Tonto Apache Healthcare temporarily in a different building | Business |

2022-06-23 15:45:34 By : Mr. Crane Jin

Partial cloudiness early, with scattered showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon. High 89F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%..

Some clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low around 65F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph.

The Tonto Apache Healthcare clinic building has disappeared, but the site is being prepared for a larger structure for the clinic. Until the new facility is in place, the clinic is operating out of the Tribal Administration Building. To schedule an appointment, call 928-472-3906.

The Tonto Apache Healthcare clinic building has disappeared, but the site is being prepared for a larger structure for the clinic. Until the new facility is in place, the clinic is operating out of the Tribal Administration Building. To schedule an appointment, call 928-472-3906.

If you visit the Mazatzal Hotel & Casino with any regularity, you may have noticed a change — the building that housed Tonto Apache Healthcare is gone.

It hasn’t exactly closed its doors. The door — and service — is now in the Tonto Apache Tribe’s administration building temporarily.

An administration employee told the Roundup tribal administration is replacing the old, rented modular unit with a larger modular of its own for health care service. The rented structure was returned, and the site is being prepped for a new modular to serve as home for Tonto Apache Healthcare. Until the new facility is in place and operational, health care is offered in the administration building.

Appointments can be made by calling 928-472-3906.

Although it is on the Tonto Apache Reservation, the Tonto Apache Healthcare clinic is open to all.

The clinic was started in part with Coronavirus Recovery Funds received during the COVID pandemic.

The goal is to have the patient call in for an appointment and see the practitioner that day or the next day. There are also dedicated time slots for tribal members and employees. All patients, from children to the elderly, are seen.

It is a primary care facility that includes family oriented care; wellness exams; sports physicals; women’s wellness; lab and blood work-ups; medication management; and non-emergency outpatient care. The clinic also offers COVID-19 testing; referrals for diagnostics and therapies; and patient education.

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